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Setting Up Environment Variables in Adobe Experience Manager

Master the art of configuring environment variables in Adobe Experience Manager to achieve flawless integration with Adobe Cloud Manager.

SalVuong Nguyen

Install and Setup Redmine on Ubuntu VPS with Subdomain

Learn how to install and configure Redmine on your Ubuntu VPS and set it up with a custom subdomain to efficiently manage your projects.

SalVuong Nguyen

Build Your Own GitLab Server On Ubuntu

GitLab CE is a free tool for hosting your code on your own server. It gives you full control over your projects and offers an easy-to-use interface for you and your team.

SalVuong Nguyen

Managing Packages with Self-Hosted Satis for PHP

Manage PHP project packages with Satis. Create a private Packagist instance using Composer for complete dependency control and seamless integration.

SalVuong Nguyen

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